Sunday, July 15, 2007

This weekend has gone by far to quickly!!! Neil and Curtis left for a fishing derby on Friday, and won't be home until tomorrow. I had to work on saturday, so once I got off, I came home and packed up the kids and clothes and headed out to Purden Ski lodge to meet Michelle and her kids at a friends cabin. It was soooo nice!! The bugs were horrific being out on the mountain like that. Still the weather was gorgeous!! The sun was hot!!! So hot!! Michelle left with the kids around 1:00 and headed out there, I had to work until 5:00. I borrowed her camera to post some pictures of this trip because Neil took our camera on their fishing trip. The first few are of Purden Lake. I wasn't there, but Michelle took her kids for a swim at the lake and then they headed up to the cabin. Beautiful British province..

I'll have to ask Michelle, but I believe the above shot is Purden Ski Resort, which is where the cabin is at, just near the lodge. Those clearings are the chair lifts. Once we arrived it was just beautiful!!! Way up in the mountain. Bear, Cougar, Wolverine, Wolf, Moose, Deer, Lynx, anything you can think of, yup it lives among those mountains. The next few shots Michelle took around the cabin, and at the resort.....

In the morning, I decided to have some fun with the camera and changed the color tone. So I snapped a few B&W and Sepia tone photos. This is very old skis above the door....Love this shot!!!

Michelle took this one of me...
I will get her permission,( because she may freak lol, ) For me to put her picture here. It is a gorgeous picture of her. She thinks it's very Janice Joplin, I happen to think it's a good pic of her.

So, until then you get to see me in my jammy's and funky wool stockings I borrowed, lol!! Very cabinish!!

UPDATE: JULY 19/07 Lol, it won't be here for long she may have a fit...this is Michelle.

So anyways, I wanted to get a picture of the kids. The bugs were soooo bad, I didn't want them to suffer. So I told them where I wanted them to stand, and it was a one shot deal. Bless there little hearts for cooperating with me. Standing still with millions of bugs attacking and swarming them. It sort of turned out, really good I thought. I would love to have gotten one more, many BUGS!! Even I couldn't stand still to take the photo, lol !!! This is all our kids....
The owners of the ski lodge brings his horses to come up and graze freely on the mountain around the resort. They don't leave each others side. So we had to get a picture of them. It's funny, you just walk along and then you turn around and Bam! there they are following you or just moving somewhere else. He had goats to, but one got eaten on the mountain so he took the other one home. The horses are brought in at night.
We all had a blast!!! I'll leave you with a few more photos of the wagon ,the wood shed, and the cabin.

Oh yes, I took this picture of Ashley, so I thought I would add it. I think its a beautiful picture of her!!! Take care and have a wonderful week everyone!!!


LZ Blogger said...

Renea - I just came back over here to tell you how funny I thought the 'grape moonshine' comment was. But then I see this whole beautiful post (that wasn't here last tiem I looked. I also loved the sepia photos. They really do makes things look "HISTORIC"... well I don't mean YOU, just the LOKK & FEEL of it. Could have come form the 1800's! Looks like a beautiful palce! ~ jb///

Kelly said...

Wow, what incredible pictures.

Leish said...

the bugs would have totally ruined the experience for me! I would have left for a hotel room! hahaha

Glad you guys had fun! I like all your pretty new pictures!

Renae said...

Leish, lol !!! Thats what Ashley was like. Michelle kept calling her 'Lindsey' and perhaps she shoud call her limo! LOL !!!

SnowWhite said...

what awesome pics you took, I love the one of you in the cabin, very pretty Christina lol. the one of the kids is great too.
Wish I had been there for it looks so like back home in Scotland.

Sharon said...

Man, that place is incredible. I love little trips like that! So relaxing and no expectations. Glad you enjoyed it.
Have a Happy Day!

Unknown said...

Renae: I'm a pushover for great photos! What fun this must have been!!

Jeanette said...

Oh Renae, the photos and scenery are gorgeous and Looks a beautiful place for a relaxing weekend getaway.
Thanks for your lovely comments im still on antibiotics but might have to go see Doctor again tomorrow not improving as fast as i would like too . take care. Jen

Kate said...

the black & white pics are really nice! The cabin looks too cosy....

LZ Blogger said...

Renae ~ Well at least I got to see Mama Cass before she makes you take it down! Speaking of Mom's... I see yours is back posting again. (in fact right above me and on my blog!) I'll have to give her a shout. (And where the heck is SIS?) ~ jb///