Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Well...we have another driver in the house !! Ashley passed her roadtest and is now officially allowed to drive on her own !!....yeesh...don't think I'm ready for THAT quite yet, LOL !!!


Jeanette said...

Hi Renae,Congratulations to your very pretty daughter, Your Daughters very much like you...

Unknown said...

Renae: What a milestone! Itallows her a certain sense of freedom. BTW: I can see where she gets her good looks! :) Have a nice weekend!!

LZ Blogger said...

Renea ~ Congratulations not only to Ashley, but also to you mom for getting her through it. You'll enjoy not having to run her everywhere (once she gets her own car) I am sure? Please give my best to your mom and sis while you are up there enjoying the holidays together! You guys have a WONDERFUL Christmas! ~ jb///

Meow (aka Connie) said...

Congratulations to Ashley, but it must be pretty scary as a mum, knowing that your child is out there on the roads. I must say, I'm not looking forward to when that day happens (my daughter is only 13, so I have a few years to go !!).
Take care, Meow