Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Well, so far my parents have left for India. The other half of the team were supposed to leave before my parents went. Far to many events have come up against Jim and Cathy it is overwhelming! Everything was in order for them to leave, and then an expired passport was noticed and it all seemed to go downhill from there.
Anyways, a few things to add to your prayer list this morning would be grand:

Prayer for the pain in Jim's right leg
Prayer for the passport to come through
prayer for a safe flight,if all goes well they will fly out today,and arrive tomorrow.
Prayer for Brian and Karen who are already there
Prayer for the Lord to go before them and guide the way.
Prayer for protection
Prayer for Pastor Phillip,he had a stroke and is in the hospital in India.He is grinding his teeth,and having seizures.The doctor's want to keep him in the hospital for 5 more day's.Pray for a full recovery.

"For where two or three are gathered together in my name,there am I in the midst of them."
Mathew 18:20

Heavenly Father,
I pray for peace, I pray for protection, I pray for all that has happened in the last few day's to be resolved.Lord, I ask that you would hold this team in your arms and rain down peace and comfort.This mission is in your hands. Go before them Father, and lead the way. I pray for strength.Prepare a path that every step this team makes, every door and window they open,every person they talk to ,every ride they must make,every walk they take will be done with ease and pain free. I pray for Pastor Phillip,Lord God, hold this man in your arms and heal him completly!Surround everyone involved in this mission, with your grace and Power to heal and lead!
With the team over there, and a prayer chain going on around the world, let us show your power and graceful mercy.For our God is an awesome God!Father I ask for prayer for family members of the team who are in ill health.Give them back the strength they once had.I pray for funds.Lord some members have had to come up with more money than expected. Please don't let them be down thinking this mission is not going to happen, because we know in Your Name, it will!"...thy will be done.." I ask this in Jesus name. Amen

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